Basile Chretien

Basile Chretien

व्यक्तिगत जानकारी

उम्र: 34
जन्मदिन: 15 मार्च

मेरे बारे में:


I'm Basile.

I'm living in Normandie in the North of France.

I'm learning Japanese by myself.

I'd love getting one Japanese person I can be good friend with. This way we could easily speak in French/Japanese and that would be great for both of us.

By the way I can also speak English, but I have a little French accent :)

I'm also interested in countries like Vietnam, Korea or Thaïland and I'd really enjoy talking with you if you're from 1 of those countries. I can tell you about France and the daily life here.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!!



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  • जापानी | मध्यम
  • थाई | शुरुआती
  • वियतनामी | शुरुआती