व्यक्तिगत जानकारी

उम्र: 43
जन्मदिन: 4 अप्रैल

मेरे बारे में:

I am Korean who lives in Taipei, Taiwan. I can speak a simple Chinese word and English.

I came to Taiwan for a work and I stay here over 3 years since 2014.

You can ask me about Taiwan and Korea :)

And I hope to get an opportunity to grow my English skill here. and I also can teach you Korean if you are interested it on.

Please contact me in an email. It would be glad :)

Thanks for reading and having a good day, Bye~


मेरे द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ:

  • कोरियाई | मातृभाषी

मेरे द्वारा सीखी जा रही भाषाएँ:

  • अंग्रेजी (संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका) | शुरुआती
  • चीनी (ताइवान) | शुरुआती