यहां अंग्रेजी में विभिन्न शैक्षणिक विषयों के नाम हैं।
art | |
classics | |
drama | |
fine art | |
history | |
history of art | |
literature (French literature, English literature, आदि.) | |
modern languages | |
music | |
philosophy | |
theology |
astronomy | |
biology | |
chemistry | |
computer science | |
dentistry | |
engineering | |
geology | |
medicine | |
physics | |
science | |
veterinary medicine |
शब्दावली | |
पृष्ठ 47 का 65 | |
शिक्षा |
➔ |
archaeology | |
economics | |
media studies | |
politics | |
psychology | |
social studies | |
sociology |
accountancy | |
architecture | |
business studies | |
geography | |
design and technology | |
law | |
maths (का संक्षिप्त नाम mathematics) | |
nursing | |
PE (का संक्षिप्त नाम physical education) | |
religious studies | |
sex education |